Beamsplitters & Polarizers
Beamsplitters are used to split or combine beam of light. The forms that are in common use provided by Honour are plates and cubes. Plates are used for most laser application as they exhibit low absorption. Cubes are a convenient, protected form for low power applications. The performances of beamsplitters mainly depend on coating specifications. When selecting beamsplitters, forms, coating, transmission and damage threshold should be considered.
Narrow Band and Broadband Beamsplitter Plates
Narrow Band and Broadband Beamsplitter Cubes
Polarization Beamsplitter Cubes
Glan Taylor Polarizer
Glan Laser Polarizer
Glan Thompson Polarizer
Wollaston Polarizer
Rochon Polarizer
Plane polarized beam is not welcomed in some circumstances such as reflecting spectrometer. A depolarizer will change the plane polarization into a mix of polarization states by scrambling up the polarization. the result is to change plane polarized beam into pseudo-depolarized beam and produce depolarization. Depolarizer is widely used in polarization sensitive instrument. |